Не могу у себя да и не запостить! Это шикарно!!! Самые любимые выделю)))
21.04.2009 в 02:08
Пишет  Кастиэль няшечка с голубыми щенячьими глазками:

ОБАЛДЕННЫЕ цитаты...
...креативщиков с doctorwho, я ржу и прям прррррусь! =) Почему Doctor Who - круче всех фандомов!

— My fandom is bigger on the inside.
— Your fandom could be a little more sonic.
My fandom will exterminate yours. Exterminate. Exterminate. Ex. Term. Eh. Naaaaaaaate.
— Your fandom should be upgraded. Upgrading is compulsory.
My fandom can steal regenerations. It never dies.
My fandom goes back to before you were born.
— My fandom goes to the year 100 trillion.
What your fandom really needs right now, is a Doctor.
— When my fandom explodes, it rips a hole in the fabric of time.
— My fandom has two hearts.
My fandom is rude but not ginger. обожаю эту фразу
— My fandom has an oral fixation.
My fandom has a better werewolf than yours. при виде этой фразы сразу вспоминаю суперов...
— My fandom burns up a sun to say goodbye.
— My fandom goes up to eleven.
— My fandom doesn't do domestic.
— My fandom speaks 5 billion languages.
— My fandom makes nerds look cool.
— My fandom rolls its r's.
— My fandom snogged Kylie. Twice.
— My fandom is 903 years old and is gonna save your lives and all six billion people on the planet below. Got a problem with that?
— When my fandom introduces itself, everyone says 'Yes, we know who you are'.

— My fandom is like fire and ice and rage.
My fandom is like the night and the storm and the heart of the sun.
My fandom is ancient and forever.
My fandom burns at the center of time.
My fandom can see the turn of the universe.
My fandom is wonderful.

My fandom secretly created your fandom. Это меня просто убило!
— My fandom makes the future look like the past.
— My fandom is a big ball of wibbley-wobbley, timey-wimey stuff.
— My fandom knew you before you were born.
— My fandom has a dog. He's more clever than you.
— My fandom can change the course of destiny by turning left.
— My fandom has knitted more scarves than all the grandparents in Britain put together.
— My fandom does a lot of running.

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